About Us

Welcome to Southern Grace Kitchen. If you love to eat, love to cook, or just have a passion for life and indulgent food, this blog is for you!

When food is your love language…

My name is Dr. Heather Grim. I’m a wife, a veterinarian, and a home chef with an unquenched passion for food. I’ve always strongly believed that recipes (and meals) were meant to be shared and enjoyed. These are the recipes and dishes I love to make. I love cooking for my friends and family and sharing my passion with others. I hope this blog and my recipes inspire you to create a meal for someone you love.

The kitchen has always been my happy place. It’s the place I de-stress after a long workday, and it’s where I recharge and create. My culinary obsession began growing up watching Food Network as my Saturday morning cartoons. And I’ve been building this creative calling for over 20 years now. I have strong Southern and Southwestern culinary roots, which you will see comes out in my dishes.  I have a fondness for comfort foods, farmers markets, date night type meals, and of course indulgent desserts. Pretty much, as long as it tastes good, I love to cook it!  Ultimately, my cooking comes from my heart. Cooking for others is one of the ways I show my love and appreciation. I’d love to show you how to do the same.  

My husband and I are obvious self-proclaimed foodies.  Like many of you, we don’t only eat to live, we live to eat. We often plan our days and our special nights out around mealtimes. After all, some of the best quality time occurs while sharing a meal together, be it with your spouse or your family and friends.  So why not make mealtime more of a priority in your life?  Meals are less about the food and more about the memories made over them and the celebrations they often accompany. What we’re eating, how we’re going to make it, or where we are going to eat it, it’s all part of the journey.  We’d like to take you along with us for the ride. 

Southern Grace is more than a blog title, it’s how I’ve come to define and live my life.  I value families, friendships, taking care of others, both 4 legged and 2, and family traditions.  I’ve carried that mentality over to both my personal and professional lives.  I was fondly known as Dr. G by many of my veterinary clients for years.  I naturally assumed the “G” stood for my last name. However, I was once set straight by one of my sweet elderly clients who told me she could call me by my name if she wanted, but instead she chose to call me Dr G because the “G” she said stood for grace, “Dr. Grace,” because that is how she saw me carry myself both in my life and in my profession as an equine veterinarian. I was immediately taken back. She continued and said that she’s witnessed me overcome tremendous tragedy, as well as handle life and death situations with animals on a daily basis with the utmost care, and always did so, with grace. And thus, the Southern Grace mentality came to be. I had realized my true calling a very long time ago, but now the way I went about it had a name. My purpose in this life is to serve others, be it by taking care of their animals, or by filling their bellies with a delicious meal.